Our team

We challenge the status quo

Caroline Van Geel

Communication and Marketing Consultant

Creative, precise and attentive to the smallest details, Caroline knows how to transform our wildest ideas into concrete, impactful concepts. She handles words with tact and always finds the best way to communicate our approach to you. Finally, thanks to her professionalism, deadlines are never put off again! 

Céline Zaghet

L&D Specialist

Dynamic in her approach to people, committed to highlighting strengths amongst others and engaged in the way she interacts with her environment. Our team of trainers are onboarded in the best of conditions thanks to Céline. A positive and vibrant personality bringing true added value internally and externally.

Claudia Fortes

Communication and Leadership Consultant

An international mindset combined with a luminous and kind spirit. Add to that structure and a very professional streak and you then discover Claudia, a ray of light and expertise who is able to add the essential twist to all our L&D designs which in turn make all the difference to your projects.

David Michel

Managing Director ATOLO Switzerland

David is at ease defining strategy, developing relationships based on trust or inspiring people to bring the best out of themselves. This ability to drive impact while never compromising the human relationship is what makes him so appreciated, valued and admired. This is not just within the team, that’s what our clients say about him too.

Delia Mensitieri

Academic Expert

Delia’s creativity, enthusiasm and determination allow her to take on any challenge. She doesn’t hesitate to challenge the status quo to design impactful solutions. Dedicated to her partners and committed to the greater good, Delia is your trusted advisor.

Eva Vermeire

Operations Manager

Experienced, proactive and professional are but some of the words used by colleagues to describe Eva. As our office manager, Eva represents our backbone. We are lucky to be able to count on someone as vital as she. Rest assured, any project of yours overseen by Eva is in safe hands.

Kathelijne Sarens

L&D Consultant

A wealth of experience, a listening ear and an irresistible energy make Kathelijne the ideal sparring partner for those seeking creative and impactful solutions. You can turn to her for all your professional enquiries in language and communication development.

Maité Dantine

L&D Coordinator

A true people person able to manage anything that comes her way. Calm, empathetic and an expert in building relations, Maïté is always on the look out to see how we can continuously improve our service to our trainers and to our clients.

Maxim Dessi

L&D Consultant

With his experience as a trainer and his commitment to customer satisfaction, Maxim is ready to find tailored solutions with and for you that will perfectly meet your expectations. His innate curiosity and contagious enthusiasm make him an invaluable asset. Team up with him to maximize the impact of your teams' efforts in the field!

Mieke Van Oost

Managing Director ATOLO Group

Our North Star. Thanks to Mieke, fostering talent & encouraging individual growth form the bedrock of ATOLO. Through compassion, kindness and understanding, she supports the team in going beyond. The search for innovation, proximity and quality is a constant for Mieke. As a modern leader, she actually walks the talk. An inspiration for all of us!

Moritz Schulz

L&D Consultant

"Driven by People", one of our core values, is what best describes Moritz.
 Supporting our trainers and clients in making sure that our bespoke training solutions deliver impactful outcomes to your organization and to your people.
Always with a human touch. 

Oscar Vega

Managing Partner

Inspiring, human, committed, caring…spring to mind when our team talks about Oscar. A driving force to many solutions that ATOLO brings to its clients, Oscar has always been one step ahead. Demanding of himself before others, his free spirit and generosity bring vision and healthy challenges to all the team. He is ours but we agree to share some of him with you.

Quentin Dubus

L&D Specialist

Courageous, dedicated, enthusiastic... Our team can always rely on Quentin to be the spark and the accelerator to many important projects. Engagement and commitment flow through him and that brings authentic added value to both our team and our clients.

Sofie Begine

External Language Consultant

A strong personality on whom we can always depend. People who know her recognize her ability to think outside the box, to challenge those around her for the greater good and to never accept anything less than high quality. A pillar in our team and a reference for your projects.
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