Blended learning

Alterner des sessions en groupe avec un coaching individuel : n'est-ce pas le meilleur des deux mondes ? 
D’un côté, la dynamique de groupe offre un bel élan et crée un fort sentiment de solidarité. De l’autre, les sessions individuelles sont les moments idéaux pour approfondir le contexte professionnel spécifique et les attentes plus personnelles.
Benefit from a learning path both face-to-face and remotely, all in one!

Key learnings & practicalities

In the group sessions, participants and their colleagues build professional skills that are useful for everyone. The dynamic of the group boosts self-confidence.
In the individual coaching sessions, the trainer works intensively on the specific expectations within the personal context of the individual.
Participants learn the jargon and key phrases used within the organization. In role-playing games that are fully connected to the reality of the participants, they practice until they master it.

Target Group

Profiles who wish to:
  • increase their language level by participating in interactive training moments with a homogeneous group of peers
  • focus on individual needs with a private coach
  • get the best of both worlds by alternating between group and individual coaching


  • Available online and offline 
  • Group sessions (online or offline)
  • In between group sessions, individual coaching  – online
  • Flexible group composition (max. 6 people)
  • Highly personalized online platform with exercises for the group and for the individual participant

What is special about this program?

Collaboratively constructing the program, the team explores pertinent information in group sessions,
while individuals take charge of their personal learning journey in private sessions, with the trainer serving as a supportive ally.
Curious to know more?
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